SAMM - Model Challenges (Tue)

When:Tue Eve-1
OrganizersSebastien Deleersnyder Sebastien Deleersnyder , Bart De Win Bart De Win
ParticipantsYan Kravchenko Yan Kravchenko , John Ellingsworth John Ellingsworth

Based on the outstanding Github issues, the user feedback, and any challenges that have come up during editing, we will use this session to have in-depth discussions on how to resolve these. We know from experience that evening sessions are often the most productive ones, so we reserve the evening sessions for core discussions on the model, if any.

Session Requirements: Familiarity with the OWASP SAMM v1.5 and v2 model

Register as participant

To register as participant add SAMM - Model Challenges (Tue) to either:

  1. the sessions metadata field from your participant's page (find your participant page and look for the edit link).
  2. or the participants metadata field from this git session page

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