Security Challenges - Analysis, Analogies

When:Tue PM-3
OrganizersNick Drage Nick Drage
ParticipantsChris Dobson Chris Dobson , Florian Buetow Florian Buetow , Foteini Karantoni Foteini Karantoni , Jim Newman Jim Newman

Having looked at some of the characteristics of the cyber security industry, we will now brainstorm on other industries or busineses or organisations or systems or situations that exhibit similar characteristics. What do specific charactertistics remind you of, what are the factors that determine whether you succeed or fail?


By looking at the challenges we face abstractly, away from the day to day docket of tasks that must simply be dealt with as quickly as possible, we can find better ways of preventing fires rather than always putting them out.

The emphasis for this session will be on simply identifying other situations worthy of further investigation.


The track organiser will have picked some of the outcomes from the session as a starting point, those that seem most promising for further investigation.

If there’s time the track organiser will describe what he means by an “underlying assumption”, to give participants something to think about over Wednesday, and possibly Thursday.


  • A list of other industries or contexts that are worthy of further investigation.




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  1. the sessions metadata field from your participant's page (find your participant page and look for the edit link).
  2. or the participants metadata field from this git session page

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