Tony Richards

Founder, TYR Industries Ltd

Participant's team(s):

    Tony Richards Daily Schedule

    10:30 - 12:30
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Ask me anything (AMA) on GDPR
    Maulden room
    Agile Practices for Security Teams
    Larch room
    13:30 - 15:00
    Introduction to Wardley Maps
    Portland room
    Creating a generic diagram of a threat model
    Larch room
    Wardley Maps for Security
    Montague room
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Cell based Structures for Security
    Portland room
    From Threat Modeling to DevSecOps metrics
    Montague room
    15:00 - 15:30
    Third Party Due Diligence
    Pedley room
    15:30 - 16:30
    Lightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUN
    Larch room
    DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)
    Maulden room
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Securing the CI Pipeline
    Maulden room
    Wardley Mapping - Climatic Patterns and Using Doctrine
    Portland room
    16:30 - 18:00
    Hand's on Wardley Maps creation
    Portland room
    Time slot over-subscribed
    DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)
    Maulden room
    Threat Model Cookbook Project (Part 1)
    Larch room
    Using Wardley Maps on SOC
    Montague room
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Cyber Risk Modeling
    Montague room
    Securing the CI Pipeline
    Maulden room
    Wardley Mapping - Coordinating functions within a PST organisation
    Portland room

    Participating sessions details

    TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
    Ask me anything (AMA) on GDPRAsk all the burning questions you have on GDPRuser-sessionTueAM-1organiser
    Cell based Structures for SecurityCell based Structures for Security - Small autonomous security teams and the use of Pioneers, Settlers and Town Planners (PST)working-sessionThuPM-1organiser
    Hand's on Wardley Maps creationWant to have a go at creating your own Wardley maps? This training session will give you hands on experience in creating maps for multiple scenarios, with experienced practitioners on hand to guide and help you.working-sessionMonPM-3organiser
    Introduction to Wardley MapsNew to Wardley maps? This session is for youworking-sessionMonPM-1organiser
    Using Wardley Maps on SOCuser-sessionWedPM-3organiser
    Wardley Maps for SecurityPractical session on using Wardley Maps for Securityuser-sessionWedPM-1organiser
    Wardley Maps Training (#1)New to Wardley maps? This session is for youworking-sessionMonTS-2organiser
    Wardley Maps Training (#2)New to Wardley maps? This session is for youworking-sessionMonTS-4organiser
    Wardley Maps Training (#3)New to Wardley maps? This session is for youworking-sessionMonTS-6organiser
    CISO Ask Me Anything (AMA)Session on Risk Modelingparticipant
    Agile Practices for Security TeamsAgile Practices for Security Teamsworking-sessionTueAM-1participant
    Cyber Risk ModelingSession on Risk Modelingworking-sessionThuPM-3participant
    Creating a generic diagram of a threat modelCreating a generic diagram of a threat modelworking-sessionTuePM-1participant
    DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM)working-sessionTuePM-2,PM-3participant
    Threat Model Cookbook Project (Part 1)Kick off of the OWASP Threat Model Cookbook Projectworking-sessionTuePM-3participant
    Third Party Due DiligenceSession on problem and solution discussionuser-sessionThuDS-3participant
    Lightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNLightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNworking-sessionMonPM-2participant
    Describe different ways of implementing TM in agile organisations
    From Threat Modeling to DevSecOps metricsworking-sessionThuPM-1participant
    Securing the CI PipelineSecure the CI/CD pipelineworking-sessionThuPM-2,PM-3participant
    Wardley Mapping - Climatic Patterns and Using DoctrineWardley Mapping, Understanding Climatic Patterns and Using Doctrineworking-sessionThuPM-2participant
    Wardley Mapping - Coordinating functions within a PST organisationCoordinating functions within a PST organisationworking-sessionThuPM-3participant

    Register as organizer

    To register as an organizer of an session or track:

    • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Tony Richards)

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