Title | Description | type | When | Time | Acting as |
Mobile AppSec Verification Standard (MASVS) | Work on the open issues of the MASVS | working-session | Mon | PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | organiser |
Mobile AppSec Verification Standard (MASVS) (Evening) | Work on the open issues of the MASVS | working-session | Mon | Eve-1,Eve-2 | organiser |
OWASP MSTG | Sessions focusing on the OWASP MSTG project. | track | Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri | | organiser |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Fri) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Fri | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Mon Eve) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Mon | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Mon) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Mon | DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Thu Eve) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Thu | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Thu) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Thu | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Tue) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Tue | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Wed Eve) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Wed | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Android and iOS Security Enhancements and Crackme Apps (Wed) | Updating the content of the MSTG | working-session | Wed | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Evening Session) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Wed,Thu | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Mon Evening) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Mon | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Mon) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Mon | DS-2,PM-1,PM-2 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Thu) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Thu | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Tue Evening) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Tue | Eve-1,Eve-2 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Tue) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Tue | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering (Wed) | Work on the Mobile Basic Security Testing and Reverse Engineering topics with focus on restructuring the contents of the MSTG | working-session | Wed | AM-1,DS-2,PM-1,PM-2,PM-3 | participant |
Mobile Security Testing Guide onboarding | MSTG introduction for new contributors (Two sessions available - PM-1 on Mon, AM-1 on Wed) | user-session | Mon | PM-1 | participant |
Mobile Security Testing Guide onboarding (Session 2) | MSTG introduction for new contributors (Two sessions available - PM-1 on Mon, AM-1 on Wed) | user-session | Wed | AM-1 | participant |
OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide 101 | MSTG introduction for newbies (Two sessions available - PM-1 on Mon, AM-1 on Wed) | user-session | Mon | PM-1 | participant |
OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide 101 (Session 2) | MSTG introduction for newbies (Two sessions available - PM-1 on Mon, AM-1 on Wed) | user-session | Wed | AM-1 | participant |