Daniel Kefer

Head of IT Security, 1&1 Mail & Media Applications SE

Participant's team(s):

Daniel Kefer Daily Schedule

10:30 - 12:30
Agile Practices for Security Teams
Larch room
Integrating Security Tools in the SDL
Maulden room
13:30 - 15:00
Creating Appsec metrics and visualisation
Maulden room
Time slot over-subscribed
Cell based Structures for Security
Portland room
Integrating Security Tools in the SDL
Maulden room
15:00 - 15:30
Time slot over-subscribed
Third Party Due Diligence
Pedley room
Scaling API Security
Larch room
15:30 - 16:30
Lightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUN
Larch room
Using Wardley Maps and Cynefin for Security
Portland room
Securing the CI Pipeline
Maulden room
16:30 - 18:00
SAMM - Measurement model (Mon PM)
Kings room
Using Cynefin Framework making strategic security decisions
Portland room
Time slot over-subscribed
Securing the CI Pipeline
Maulden room
Cyber Risk Modeling
Montague room

Participating sessions details

TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
SAMM - Measurement model (Mon PM)Discussion on the new measurement model for the SAMM v2 projectworking-sessionMonPM-3participant
Creating Appsec metrics and visualisationAppSec Metrics and Visualisationuser-sessionTuePM-1participant
Securing the CI PipelineSecure the CI/CD pipelineworking-sessionThuPM-2,PM-3participant
Third Party Due DiligenceSession on problem and solution discussionuser-sessionThuDS-3participant
Cyber Risk ModelingSession on Risk Modelingworking-sessionThuPM-3participant
Introduction to Wardley Maps (Training Session)
Using Wardley Maps and Cynefin for SecurityAn introduction to the Cynefin Framework, and its intersection with Wardley Maps, for Securityuser-sessionWedPM-2participant
Cell based Structures for SecurityCell based Structures for Security - Small autonomous security teams and the use of Pioneers, Settlers and Town Planners (PST)working-sessionThuPM-1participant
Lightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNLightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNworking-sessionMonPM-2participant
Using Cynefin Framework making strategic security decisionsSession on how to use Cynefin Framework making strategic security decisionsworking-sessionWedPM-3participant
Scaling API Securityworking-sessionThuDS-3participant
Agile Practices for Security TeamsAgile Practices for Security Teamsworking-sessionTueAM-1participant
Integrating Security Tools in the SDLIntegrate security tools as part of CI/CD pipeline to find/fix issues early in SDLworking-sessionThuAM-1,PM-1participant

Register as organizer

To register as an organizer of an session or track:

  • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Daniel Kefer)

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