Senen Garcia

Senior Strategic Security Engineer, Mimecast

Participating sessions details

TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
Towards a unified way of describing threat modelsA presentation and discussion of a new language to describe a threat modelworking-sessionThuAM-1participant
Lightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNLightweight privacy threat modeling using LINDDUNworking-sessionMonPM-2participant
Describe different ways of implementing TM in agile organisations
How do we persist the information from the TM Slack channel?How do we persist the information from the TM Slack channel?working-sessionTuePM-1participant
State and future of threat modelingWhat is the current state of TM and where do we need to go?working-sessionWedAM-1participant
How to scale Threat Modeling
SAMMv2 - Threat ModelingDiscuss the SAMM threat modeling practice together with the SAMM teamworking-sessionThuPM-2participant
Cyber Risk ModelingSession on Risk Modelingworking-sessionThuPM-3participant

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  • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Senen Garcia)

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