
Threat Model Maturity

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Description of session

The session objective was to discuss and answer the questions below.

1. How do we measure the maturity of a threat model?Data is stored & linkable (higher maturity) Formalisation (higher maturity) Process integration How is the model created? different levels of maturity Repeatability of the process Level of TM depth + classification of systems Re-usable components Maturity / knowledge / experience of the threat modeler + audience How much does the TM relate to the actual application (quality degradation over time) / synced versioning Relation / causation between requirements and the resulting TM
2. How do we measure the maturity of the threat model process?Level 0: ad hoc threat model(s), free form Level 1: implement a threat model methodology and - Classification of systems and levels of TM depth - Accurate documentation that reflects reality - Ownership is within the security/architecture team? Level 2: threat model process is integrated in the SDLC / repeatability / formalisation / digitasation + linkability / libraries (e.g., attack) / feedback cycle on threat intel. (e.g., library vulns.)
3. Can maturity frameworks be updated with our measurements?Yes: SAMM - Talk about the process not the maturity of the TM itself

Session organiser(s)


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